We People are doing our day to day activities without minding anything. Nowadays knowingly and unknowingly people are disturbing our nature. Among that, Pollution is a major crisis in the World, especially Developing countries like India and China. People might have heard about "Schools are declared holiday due to heavy pollution in Delhi" some days before. In this article, we are going to see what is meant by that? How it is measured?
When we try to know the Pollution in the air, it is measured by Air Quality Index, shortly called AQI. This AQI will tell about how Pure Your Air is? The main objective of AQI is to give concern about Air Quality relating to health issues
AQI is for five major air pollutants i.e., ground-level ozone, particle pollution, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide. For each of these pollutants, Ground-level ozone and airborne particles are the two pollutants that pose the greatest threat to human health in this country.
Here are some measurements made by AQI:
*When the AQI Score is between 0 and 50 it is considered as GOOD air quality condition and it is represented by the Color "Green". It means that Air Quality is considered Satisfactory contains no risk.
*When the AQI Score is between 51 and 100 it is considered as MODERATE air quality and it is represented by the color "Yellow". This Air Quality is acceptable and some people may experience health concern especially about Sensitive to Pollution.
*When the AQI Score is between 101 and 150 it is considered as UNHEALTHY for Sensitive Groups, and it is represented by the color "Orange". Most Probably, Sensitive People suffer from Health Issues.
*When the AQI Score is between 151 and 200 it is considered as UNHEALTHY and it is represented by the color "Red". In this Condition, Everyone may experience illness because of Pollution.
*When the AQI Score is between 201 and 300 it is considered as VERY UNHEALTHY and it is represented by the color "Purple".
*When the AQI Score is between 301 and 500 it is considered as HAZARDOUS and it is represented by the color "Maroon". It is a warning of Severe Health Issue conditions.
This is how AQI categorize the Air pollution conditions. I think the given content may useful to everyone. If you have any doubt, Comment it below.
Credits: www.airnow.gov
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